Discover EVERYTHING you need to know about the upcoming Update 2.3: Commanders; the important update 2.3 scheduled for March.


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Launch Date

  • Beta 2.3 Commanders announced for late February
  • The final release date is for April 11

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General Information

  • Possible enhancements on mining
  • Possible enhancements on exploration
  • Possible enhancements on missions
  • Possible stations in some asteroids (PlayStation 4 trailer)
  • Possible ship naming (Zac et Ed) + It will apparently be possible to rename our ships, but no additional details for the moment
  • The external camera tool is called « Camera Suite »
  • It is possible with this tool to navigate freely with our ship in all directions, and even to shoot! A 3km dezoom has been previewed, as well as a zoom at 4 meters from the ship. The interface can be hidden
  • It is possible to follow our ship with the camera (for example to pass at full speed) or to follow the landscape
  • A blur and focus function is provided in order to capture some arranged screenshots
  • The interior camera tool is called « Vanity Camera »
  • Like the outside, we can view our pilot in all the contours and also hide the interface
  • The Dolphin is confirmed! This Saud Kruger luxury passenger ship will be present in 2.3: small landing pad, fantastic sounds
  • A Mega-Ship, a gigantic vessel was unveiled. It has various services and we can dock on it. It is said that one can later dock there in order to travel, but no additional information at the moment.

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  • The Multicrew allows other players to join another pilot in her/his ship in order to participate in the adventure.
  • As long as a spacecraft has seats available, a commander may invite other players to sit down with her/him in order to access the Multicrew features.
  • Players wanting to participate in this new feature can make a direct invitation or use the « Looking for Ship » feature, which will add them to a crew-looking ship.
  • By joining a crew, a player will « disconnect » her/his ship from the game and teleport her/his commander to the multicrew ship. It is possible to leave the crew when you want, you will then return to the place where you disconnected before the invitation.
  • The different roles, only three are available:
    • Helm Pilot – The player owning the ship will always be the Helm pilot. The latter manages the ship, operates fixed and guided weapons and controls the fighter (NPC ally). The latter also has access to the ship’s energy distributor, synthesis and navigation.
    • Gunner – Has access to turret weapons. This station offers a new interface allowing the gunner to handle a reticle in order to shoot all available turrets in the requested firing angle. They also have access to two quick accesses in addition to weapon groups. These can be customized to suit different weapons and scanners. The gunner has a 360 degree firing angle, allowing him to use scanners (such as the bounty detector) and weapons (such as missiles) in any direction.
    • Fighter Con – Controls a fighter launched by the Helm pilot. This additional fighter can be launched at the same time as the NPC-controlled fighter, indicating that two fighters will be able to fly with the main ship. The Helm pilot can also enter a fighter in place of the NPC, which makes three vessels controlled by players thanks to the Multicrew.
  • The roles can be exchanged dynamically and quickly, but the person owning the ship will always be Helm pilot.
  • Each of the roles has access to their own energy distributor in order to better set the gameplay.
  • Ships rebuy after destruction appears to have been reduced.
  • All the bounties obtained are duplicated between each member of the crew.
  • The crimes committed by a member of the crew are reflected in the entire crew.

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Commanders Tool creator

  • The tool used to create commanders is called « Holo-Me »
  • The latter can be used at any time, in our cockpit, whether we are in normal flight or in supercruise. Accessible via the right panel, above Engineers
  • Different pilots’ suits and ranks patches are available
  • Numerous customization options are available, from simple to advanced. Whether it is for:
    • Body – Gender, Outfit, Helmet (and when to display it), right and left shoulder patches.
    • Complex – Base of the face, type of head, skin color, age, skin details, asymmetry, scars.
    • Hair – 24 shades of color at the moment, from black to red, blond, chestnut, pink, blue or even green, yellow or white.
    • Face – Simple and advanced options, you can re-arrange eyes, nose, mouth and ears according to many models and alternatives. One can even create a character with heterochromia (eyes of different colors) or a cybernetic eye.
    • Head – Head & brows, cheeks, jaw and neck can be very detailed.
    • Cosmetics – Forehead, eyes, cheeks, lips, chin, neck.

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Source 2.3 Dev Update
