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News Elite Dangerous and gamescom 2020

New information on Elite Dangerous Odyssey came out recently, with a rather interesting interview from wccftech.
The journalist was able to chat with Chris Gregory, Art Director, and Luke Betterton, Game Designer.

Dev Diary #1 – One Giant Leap

Discover the very first Elite Dangerous Developer Diary for Odyssey: One Giant Leap!
A glimpse of the rocky & icy surfaces, sampling tool, flora and an armour!

The Outpost #117

The Outpost #117: your shot of Elite: Dangerous recent news.
Community Creations, stories, news, communications from Frontier and more!

Elite: Dangerous – Odyssey

The announcement is finally in, discover the first details about the future of Elite: Dangerous: Odyssey.
New content, features and stories to come as well as first-person combat mixing ships, SRV and commanders altogether!