The Outpost #117: Your Elite: Dangerous news recap!
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Frontier News

The Project Remlok Industries

You might have noticed it already, we launched a new cutting of Remlok Industries with Nykrae!
Your feedback has been really positive!

The website is now fully compatible with mobiles for you who navigate on the toilets, a light/dark version is also available and the Quick Access + Toolbox in the menu are much easier to read. The menu also follow you if you scroll down and it has been redesigned to enhance your navigation. The Search function has been improved, as have the presentations of the articles to make them more enjoyable to read. Our images, widgets on the right, and template are now better optimised to speed up page loadings.

We will not stop there and other enhancements will come as soon as we can; In particular the return of the Disqus posts on the articles – home page, and a switch to https, among other things.
Thank you for following Remlok Industries, we always give the best to help you on your Elite: Dangerous adventure! ❤️

An update to our Materials Guide is to come.
By the way, have you read our new Engineers Guide and the Tools of Elite Dangerous?

The website is free since we released it in 2016, and we aim to remain that way to propose a unique experience that we miss these days: freedom.
No Premium, no ads, no stolen data and no pop-ups.
Websites dev (Nykrae) and communications (Nicou) are parts of our jobs but we don’t earn anything with the website. We are delighted to put our skills at your service, to support your progression in Elite: Dangerous. This great project also allows us to challenge ourselves!

Of course, this isn’t free for us and in addition to providing all this work (20h+ for this article in EN and FR): the project generates costs.
Site name, OVH hosting, premium account for SoundCloud GalnetAudioFR, our work tools and other costs have been at our own expense since we launched.
Many of your participate in these costs, including through my Twitch Partner Channel, thanks for your support! ?

To support Remlok Industries, it’s easy:

  • I support you:
    • Follow Nicou or RemlokEN on Twitter,
    • Join the Discord Community Remlok, Elite: Dangerous,
    • Follow Nicou on Twitch (FR),
    • Share our articles to your friends and players groups,
    • Dance every full moon evenings in the middle of twelve statues wrapped in ham. Don’t ask.
  • I support financially:
    • Donation PayPal, at no cost other than your participation,
    • Donation one-shot or recurring Tipeee,
    • Donation/Sub/Bits on Twitch.

A donation doesn’t lead to any obligation on our part, but we would be very grateful for your support with or without the financial aspect.
? Note that if you give us your Discord name, you could get access to a special channel on Discord « The Cavern » where I sometimes share a few details before it is released on our website, as well as behind the scenes of our ongoing work at Remlok Industries.


By the way, Anthony Hunt created an excellent Codex Elite Dangerous with every ships in-game and more, the hardpoints placements, technical blueprints and even more details! It is available in multiple languages, including English of course.

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London Stock Exchange – State of Frontier PLC

In recent months demand for Frontier’s games has increased as a result of Covid-19 lockdowns around the world. Demand during May has continued to be high, which is providing a strong finish to the financial year (FY20). The company made excellent profits lately and is now launched onto the new Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21)

All four games, Elite Dangerous, Planet Coaster, Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Zoo, have each provided significant revenue contributions in FY20 through both base game sales and paid-downloadable content (« PDLC »).  Frontier’s most recent game, Planet Zoo, which was released in November 2019 and is Frontier’s biggest PC launch to date, has been particularly well received.  In early May 2020 cumulative base game unit sales of Planet Zoo crossed the 1 million mark, less than six months after release and several months ahead of any of Frontier’s previous game releases on PC.

Their other games have also recently crossed sales milestones. During April, Elite Dangerous exceeded the 3.5 million base game unit threshold and in March Jurassic World Evolution passed 3 million base game units sold. In January, Planet Coaster crossed 2.5 million base game units.

David Braben, Frontier’s Chief Executive, said:

« Lockdown is a challenge for many people, and is going on for longer than most of us expected, but it is great to see so many more people joining our communities during these difficult times across all our games. We continue to be delighted by the engagement, passion and feedback from our players, and look forward to a bright future post-lockdown, as we believe many of our new players will stay with us for the long term. »

Frontier expects to report revenue of approximately £76 million for FY20 when full financial results are announced in September 2020. Operating profit is anticipated to be at least £16 million, subject to audit, which would equate to an operating profit margin of approximately 21%.
They start FY21 (the financial year ending 31 May 2021) confidently.

On 3 June 2020, Frontier unveiled Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, their major new paid-for update for Elite Dangerous, coming in Q1 calendar 2021 (FY21). Elite Dangerous: Odyssey marks the birth of a highly anticipated new era for the long running definitive space simulation, I quote: « allowing players to touch down on countless new planets powered by stunning new tech, and explore with unrestricted freedom from a first person, feet-on-the-ground perspective ».

FY21 will also see the release of genre leading Planet Coaster on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and the first two game releases from Frontier’s third party publishing initiative. A further three third party games have already been signed for FY22 and there is scope for more.  Five or six third party game releases per year are expected from FY23 onwards.

David Braben, Frontier’s Chief Executive, said:

« I’d like to thank our fantastic team for their achievements during the last financial year, particularly through the ongoing challenges of the Covid-19 situation. We are well positioned going forward with great visibility of a fantastic range of projects over the next few years, both internal and external. We’ve started FY21 strongly with our current portfolio of games continuing to do very well. In this financial year we also have Planet Coaster coming to consoles and we plan to announce and release two great third party games. In addition, we have Elite Dangerous: Odyssey putting boots on the ground in Q1 calendar 2021. Our future is more exciting than ever and we look forward to working with all our great partners over the coming years. »

Among other news, Frontier signed for the development and publishing of a real strategy game with  Games Workshop. A game set in the Warhammer® Age of Sigmar® universe is scheduled to release for early 2023, before May 31 2023. A management game, Formula 1, is also set to release in FY23.

Source – London Stock Exchange

Anyway, the company and Elite: Dangerous are doing well… at least it’s within the prediction I made in late 2019!

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Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

The release date of the paid expansion for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is now set for « Early 2021 »; Which means a probable release date for the 1st Quartier between January and March 2021 or in the worst case before April 6, 2021 which is the date of the new financial year in the United Kingdom.

Quoting Frontier, « Odyssey is our continued & unwavering commitment to making Elite Dangerous the most authentic, ambitious, and expansive evolving space game in the world. ». The expansion was announced for the latter half of 2020, then set to release in Q4 2020, December 2020, before being pushed back to early 2021.
Zac Antonaci, Head of Communications, also implied in mid-2018 Content Packs currently under development, which could be linked to a leak of Missions Packs discovered in late 2018. I’m wondering if Frontier could propose paid content packs in the future…

We should have received more information about Odyssey « From now on », on June the 3rd, but one month later we still didn’t receive a single additional detail… So we will have to wait to see Developer Diaries, Livestreams, Teasers and other information on an unknown date. Lavecon also confirmed Frontier won’t be proposing a panel as usual, however they will be helping here and there from home.

Odyssey’s Content:

  • FPS Combat
  • Social Hubs where we can meet with other CMDRs
  • Weapons & Equipment to enhance with the help of Engineers. We have noticed Jetpacks, different armours, assault weapons and sniper/railgun
  • New contracts, new missions
  • Elite Dangerous: Odyssey allow players to touch down on countless new planets powered by stunning new tech, and explore with unrestricted freedom from a first-person, feet-on-the-ground perspective. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey’s emergent gameplay will let players forge their own path through a wide variety of missions, ranging from diplomacy and commerce to lethal stealth and all-out combat. Coordinating with your teammates and selecting the right equipment for the mission at hand will be key to master a multi-layered, tactical sphere of group combat where Commanders, SRVs and starships converge
  • The game’s code has been rewritten during the Beyond season, and the game engine has also been enhanced to support the future of Elite: Dangerous
  • Available on Steam – Wishlisht

And possibly…

  • New ships, humans and maybe xenos with the leak of the Thargoid Glaive/Orthrus
  • New vehicles SRVs
  • New fighters SLFs
  • Landing on planets with atmospheres
  • A redesign of icy planets
  • Thargoids out of their organic ships
  • Hopefully, new stories

Although we don’t know yet the price of Odyssey, the Lifetime Pass Expansion owners won’t have to buy it.
Virtual Reality for Odyssey won’t be available at launch.

Although no mentions of Base Buildings have been made officially in the announcement, there was a leak on the Frontier website indicating the presence of multiple SRVs and also buildings.
This leak also figured in the list of Frontier Leaks on Reddit, which were all confirmed by the official releases later on, which strengthen the presence of Base Buildings.
This said, the development team recently communicated on the later, stating that Base Building isn’t on the roadmap for Odyssey.

The Expansion was in pre-production state since ~2016, then in full production from August 2018, which give Odyssey at least 5 years of development (2 years concept + 3 years dev). Note that the first concepts and designs of some features scheduled for 2021 have been tested way before the game released, in 2013 and even in 2012.

« Space legs » is on the Roadmap since 2014, as mentioned in the Newsletter #29: « Walking around interiors and combative boarding of other ships. Combat and other interactions with other players and AIs in the internal areas of star ports. »

It has always been a core vision of David Braben that the player is a person in a real futuristic setting, not just a ship. In the Elite Dangerous Development Plan video (December 14, 2012), Mr Braben talks about walking on planets, in ships, other people’s ships, stations, vehicles and being a big game hunter with animals.

In that same video Mr Braben says, « You’ve seen that we’re designing all the ships with the interiors in mind, how the cargo is unloaded, all of that sort of thing, how damage occurs. And that’s because that another thing that we are doing, again down the line, is that you will be able to walk around inside your ship. You’ll be able to get out of your ship, walk around inside space stations, other vehicles, all of that sort of thing. »

Arvey Jay’s YouTube channel has done great tours of ED ships, showing the many details that you might have missed.

Newsletter #32« We also plan to allow you to get up out of your seat and walk around your ship. You can see the level of attention and thought that has already been given to the ship interiors. »

A bunch of Concept images

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Update Carriers

After two long beta in April for PC players and then May for PC and consoles players, the Fleet Carriers finally arrived in June 9, 2020.
Have a look at our Fleet Carriers Guide, that you can buy for the lump sum of 5 billion Credits proposing you a few services to establish your new home in the sky.

Two additional Updates have been released for the Fleet Carriers recently, on June 17 and June 30, bringing their shares of fixes and enhancements.

We also received a January Update fixing a handful of bugs like the stability of the game, the empty Conflict Zones, Wing Mining, instancing during AX Combat and invincible Thargoids hearts, mineral Trading, a change in Powerplay but no one understood it and apparently Frontier didn’t understand the fix as well as they never commented back on it, and also an update on the Background simulation that they sadly destroy with each updates before reversing the changes in order to bring back balance.

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Players Groups

Remlok Industries is more than a website or a player group, it’s a a community of players created by the community and for the community of Elite: Dangerous.
Although ED is our main game, we have many more topics of discussion and games in common with the Remlok Community.
Join us on Discord Community Remlok with over 1000+ players!


Every Sunday, a new player group is under the spotlights on Remlok Industries. Recently, we have published about Enraged Wolf Squadron Unity, Ice Storm Squadron and Imperial Octopus Cartel on the French website.
Seventeen groups are now in the list, they’re all unique with their own activities and objectives. This week will be about the Torgue!
If you want your group on Remlok Industries, contact Nicou on Discord.


The Gnosis, Canonn Interstellar‘s Megaship, will soon have its own route as an official Megaship.
It almost got entirely removed from the game, but the community saved it and negotiated an automatic route with Frontier. Here is the route that the Gnosis will undertake each weeks, to save its name and stories:

  • Varati A 6 – Canonn’s HQ
  • HIP 17862 6 C – Crashed Thargoid ship
  • Pleiades Sector PN-T b3-0 planet A 6 – Barnacles
  • Synuefe PR-L b40-1 A – Proto cloud Lagrange
  • HIP 18120 2 – Anemona Rubeum and Croceum
  • IC 2391 Sector CG-Y C16 – Guardians Beacon
  • Kappa-1 Volantis B 7 c a
  • Epsilon Indi – Mitterand Hollow

By the way… the community might have found out the Dark Wheel’s location, thanks to an exploit made possible with the systems data and the Fleet Carrier…
Keen an eye on LFT 509! ?

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Developers & Community

A dedicated space about Devs’ messages from the forums and social Media.

~ elite-dangerous-clean-orange-30x30 Recent communications elite-dangerous-clean-orange-30x30 ~

  • [GalNet] Producing content for GalNet takes a significant amount of time, especially when you factor in conception, editing and translation. For me, content such as Interstellar Initiatives and the scenarios we added to the game last year have a greater impact on the game than off-camera GalNet storylines. So when we, as a team, look at the features and updates we intend to deliver in the coming months and years, we feel it’s in the best interest of the game to ensure the writing team can support those features, and make them the best they possibly can from a narrative point of view. Consequently, the decision to remove off-camera narratives is very much about refocusing the team, rather than reducing the amount of time and effort we devote to the narrative side of the game. During the Bridging the Gap initiative it was pointed out – quite rightly – that reactions from Ram Tah and Aegis would have been appropriate. Refocusing our efforts means we can devote time to producing these kinds of ‘reaction’ pieces. We are not understaffed, in fact we’re about to gain an additional full-time writer. But we have an ambitious production schedule ahead of us, and it was therefore necessary to reposition the writing team so it could properly support that schedule. – SourceIan Dingwell, Narrative Lead

    • Notes : In fact, GalNet were completely stopped on January 14 with the exception of nanomedicines from Vitadyne Labs on June 9 for the release of the Fleet Carriers. Besides, Ian Dingwell is not the Narrative Lead, he is a Senior Designer but one of his tasks was to take care of GalNet, which was a very tiring process and quite a toll in his schedule. According to my research, there is currently a Narrative Lead named Edward James, as well as a Writer named Jasmine Moore. More people might have been added to the team, specialising in the Elite: Dangerous stories.
  • [Frontier] I am really delighted to have joined Frontier as the Lead Community Manager on Elite: Dangerous! I have been playing Elite Dangerous since its launch on Xbox One and I like Exploration and Combat. Outside of Elite Dangerous, I am a huge gamer and sci-fi fan. I can often be found with my head in a book (I am currently working my way through the Horus Heresy novels), or in a game with friends online. I play a fair bit of Fallout 76 or Sea of Thieves, but one of my all-time favourites is XCOM 2. – SourceArthur Tolmie, Lead CM

    • Notes : He will therefore be the new Lead Community Manager of Elite: Dangerous while Will Flanagan leaves the team to join the Product Management team. Arthur is already doing a little better at piloting in-game than the other CMs when they arrived, even if he is not a very good player considering the actions performed during a recent livestream… but it may just have been the stress of the live. I look forward to seeing him in action on the communications programs and community development with his colleagues Bruce, Tim and Stephen who is now the oldest CM in the ED team with 1 year soon in the team, as he arrived last July 2019. Tim Alejandros/Smith is of Senior level, arrived in April he just discovered Elite and is currently modding his Hauler for a few trading routes. Bruce Garrido also debuts on Elite. Stephen Benedetti now has the most experience with the community of Elite: Dangerous so he should be able to guide the new hires so they can smoothly to take their places as CM, Senior CM and Lead CM for a structured team betting on a long term run, but always with a single language in English.
  • [Gameplay] Coming with the January Update, have a look at the new rebuy costs for the NPCs depending on their ranks: Harmless = 20,000 cr – Mostly Harmless = 40,000 cr – Novice = 70,000 cr – Competent = 120,000 cr – Expert = 200,000 cr – Master = 325,000 cr – Dangerous = 650,000 cr – Deadly = 1,250,000 cr – Elite = 2,250,000 cr – Source Stephen Benedetti, CM

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Lore & Powerplay

Powerplay, continues to operate in game and the powers compete on a variety of military, economic and political fronts to gain new territory and expand their influence on the human world.

  1. Edmund Mahon =
  2. Zachary Hudson =
  3. Arissa Lavigny-Duval =
  4. Li Yong-Rui +4
  5. Aisling Duval -1
  6. Pranav Antal +3
  7. Felicia Winters -1
  8. Denton Patreus -1
  9. Yuri Grom -4
  10. Archon Delaine =
  11. Zemina Torval =



Cycle 265. We begin cycle 266.

The Powers on Reddit

Check out the Powers on Reddit, take part in the strategies and help your Power reach #1!


Edmund Mahon


Felicia Winters // Zachary Hudson


Arissa Lavigny-Duval // Aisling Duval // Zemina Torval // Denton Patreus


Archon Delaine // Li Yong-Rui // Pranav Antal


Witch Head Nebula‘s systems now all have their own names.
Even if the Federation, the Empire and the Alliance had their own systems in the beginning, the Alliance quickly conquered every systems in the nebula.

  • Witch Head Sector DL-Y d17 – Shenve
  • Witch Head Sector DL-Y d26 – Ronemar
  • Witch Head Sector DL-Y d7 – Balchder
  • Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-5 – Ipison
  • Witch Head Sector GW-W c1-4 – Evangelis
  • Witch Head Sector EB-X c1-7 – Jaralis
  • Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-7 – Wisanye
  • Witch Head Sector HW-W c1-9 – Haki
  • Witch Head Sector KC-U b3-0 – Suluo
  • Witch Head Sector LC-V c2-10 – Wellington
  • Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-11 – Onoros
  • Witch Head Sector GW-W c1-10 – Siniang
  • Witch Head Sector HW-W c1-7 – Lembass
  • Witch Head Sector LC-V c2-9 – Yuanjia
  • Witch Head Sector OI-S b4-0 – Caister proposes the latest news from the galaxy!

  • – Galnet News
  • GalnetAudioFR – Dubbed Galnet, in French. Let me know if you would like to do this in English! Here are the examples in French.


9 June 3306 – The nanomedicines developed in December 3304 by Vitadyne Labs have been approved for distribution to medical facilities across the galaxy.

At the time of Vitadyne’s original announcement, the nanomedicines were believed to be mere weeks away from widespread availability. The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) had verified the medicine’s healing properties, and Vitadyne Labs owner Professor Katrien Rook had been hailed as a genius for spearheading the research and development project. But some questioned how a relatively small company could produce such advanced drugs – questions that were answered when Pranav Antal announced that the nanomeds were derived from pharmaceuticals developed by the Utopia commune. Responding to accusations of theft, Professor Rook clarified that the original nanomeds had been legally salvaged from the wreckage of a Utopian transport ship.

A lengthy legal battle followed, with Pranav Antal demanding the return of both the original nanomedicines and the Vitadyne derivatives. Vitadyne argued that the derivatives were of great potential benefit to humanity, and should be made available for sale. The IHO eventually ruled in favour of Vitadyne Labs, with the caveat that all distribution be maintained by an established pharmaceutical corporation. That honour went to the Vandermeer Corporation, which has now established the necessary manufacturing facilities. It has taken a year for all parties to agree on the rigid quality control measures and personnel qualifications required for the production of the nanomedicines.

“I am proud to announce that Vitadyne nanomedicines are now available for distribution from the Kuma system,” said Professor Rook at a press conference at Elion Dock. “We have established a fantastic relationship with the Vandermeer team, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of our labour with humanity.”


Les nanomédicaments développés en décembre 3304 par Vitadyne Labs ont été autorisés à la distribution dans les établissements médicaux de toute la galaxie.

Au moment de l’annonce originale de Vitadyne, on pouvait penser que les nanomédicaments n’étaient plus qu’à quelques semaines d’être disponibles en masse. L’Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) avait vérifié les propriétés curatives du médicament, et la propriétaire de Vitadyne Labs, le professeur Katrien Rook, avait été qualifiée de génie pour être à l’origine du projet de recherche et développement. Cependant, certains avaient émis des doutes sur la façon dont une entreprise relativement petite avait pu produire des médicaments si avancés – doutes qui avaient été levés lorsque Pranav Antal avait annoncé que les nanomédicaments provenaient de médicaments développés par la communauté Utopia. Répondant aux accusations de vol, le professeur Rook avait clarifié que les nanomédicaments originaux avaient été récupérés légalement dans les débris d’une épave d’un vaisseau de transport d’Utopia.

S’est ensuivie une bataille de longue haleine, Pranav Antal demandant la restitution des nanomédicaments originaux, mais également des dérivés de Vitadyne. Vitadyne a avancé que ces derniers avaient le potentiel de considérablement bénéficier à l’humanité, et de ce fait, devaient être proposés à la vente. Finalement, l’IHO s’est prononcé en faveur de Vitadyne Labs, en avertissant cependant que toute la distribution devait être effectuée par une société pharmaceutique établie. L’honneur est revenu à Vandermeer Corporation, qui a désormais mis en place les installations de production nécessaires. Il a fallu un an pour que toutes les parties acceptent les mesures drastiques de contrôle qualité et les qualifications de personnel requises pour la production de nanomédicaments.

« Je suis fière d’annoncer que les nanomédicaments Vitadyne sont désormais disponibles à la distribution depuis le système de Kuma, a déclaré le professeur Rook durant une conférence de presse à Elion Dock. Nous avons établi une relation fantastique avec l’équipe de Vandermeer, et nous avons hâte de partager les fruits de notre travail avec l’humanité. »

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Interstellar Initiatives

The Players Group « AXI » is proposing their own Community Goal.

◘ AXI : The Art of War (Transport)

  • Location: The Astras | Sterope II
  • Objective: Deliver 10,000 Thargoids Hearts, 2,500 Meta-Alloys, 250 Thargoids Sensors/Probes/Links, 250 Tissus Samples of Cyclops/Basilisks/Medusa/Hydra Interceptors and more Thargoids items.
  • Rewards: Credits by selling your items to the Fleet Carrier’s market
  • Progress: Ongoing
  • Until: July 31
  • Lore: The AXI Science Division issued the following statement: « It was recently discovered that a sufficiently thick coating of Thargoid blood, combined with a mixture of various Thargoid materials, can provide effective camouflage for capital-class structures. Our experts believe that a combination of factors can cause the bio-mechanical systems of Thargoid ships to mistake a human-made vessel for one their own, and ignore it. We intend to test this using our flagship. If our hypothesis is true will have a secure platform for offensive operations in hostile space. Unfortunately, our existing supplies of Thargoid Hearts and Meta-Alloys are tied up in other projects, so we do not have enough to effectively cover the entire vessel. We are also out of some other commodities that would allow us to further experiment with the formula.« 

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Pictures – In the heart of the action

Feel free to send me your prettiest images and videos via Twitter, Discord or directly in the comments!
This week, check out Noctivagus, Alex Storch, Cassius, Cakskelton, BeetleJude, CTestFunny, David Gigliello, Emilie Rinna, Explore, Krover, Matte, Madaxo, Nick Tagney, Maximilian Y, Jlob, Oliiv, The Winged Hussards, Picard, Orvidius, TwoFingers, Vex Matraxis and Zer0axis!
As always, credits are in the images’s urls.


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Videos – The unmissables

What a wonderful batch of videos from the following content creators!
Thank you to:

  • OrchestralDesign and his accidental best trailer of Elite: Dangerous
  • Maligno signed the First Double Hydra in AX Combat. By the way he also destroyed on hiw own in a single instance 1 Hydra, 3 basilisks and 4 Cyclops.
  • Guru951 and the search of Perseus
  • Nozdus and the Winter Australis Expedition
  • Depression Channel and his Anaconda Death Star
  • MechanicMan inspected his Fleet Carrier as a Mechanic in VR
  • Aranionros Stormrage perfected an Hydra without a single damage

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Feel free to share this article with your friends, and discuss the recent news!

A tip for those reading our newsletter until the end: Actually, the best spot to farm diamond is close to the bubble: Col 285 Sector CC-K a38-2, planet 1, icy ring