Have a look at our weekly Elite: Dangerous summary: « The Outpost #60 ».
Hey, don’t forget that you can acquire your Power Decals, for free!
► Send me your best pics of your Cobra next to an outpost! ◄
Frontier News
2.3 : Commanders, Multicrew and features
While the beta 2.3 is looming for next week, two official livestreams were proposed on Tuesday & Thursday, in order to tease the features to come. Among them, the obvious Commanders’ creations as well as the Multicrew; But also the upcoming Dolphin passenger ship, the QoL improvements, the new cameras, the Mega-ship and much more.
I invite you to read the summaries below, or directly to open the page Everything about Commanders of our website.
Don’t miss any of our information, join our Twitter @RemlokEN and Discord!
- Week #2 – illustration
Developers and Community
A dedicated space to Devs’ messages from the forums and social Medias.
- [Multicrew] Crew that join the ship are here thanks to the telepresence. They are holograms. – Source – Michael Brookes, Executive Producer
- [Holo-Me] The Holo-Me is a representation hologram of what you’re going to look like. It then applies it to your Commander, who is a real person sitting in the chair. – Source – Edward Lewis, Senior Community Manager
- [Holo-Me] We really want to give you as many options as possible when creating characters. Unfortunately long hair is something we are unable to support from a technical standpoint. Creating realistic looking long hair that behaves credibly both in normal gravity and in zero g, would take a lot of time and resources that we felt were better spent elsewhere. That said we would like to add further styles in future releases that convey pinned-up hair, or long hair tied back. – Source – Edward Lewis, Senior Community Manager
- [Intelligence artificielle] I now have a local fix for this… and it’s a good one! If the NPC lose LOS, they will come find you… 😉 – Source – Sarah Avory, Senior Programmer (IA)
~ Minor Faction, Remlok Industries
Our Minor faction « Remlok Industries » will soon be implemented in-game! We are looking for players who want to take part in our operations, in order to develop a strong economy.
In order to apply to this Minor faction, you will need to be Independent, or affiliated to Edmund Mahon or Li Yong-Rui
. A screenshot of your Powerplay screen will allow you to accept your application. Multiple coalitions are in place, and missions are regularly proposed to our members to foster participation.
- Minor faction name: Remlok Industries
- Affiliation: Alliance
- Powerplay: Edmund Mahon, Li Yong-Rui and Indépendants
- Governement: Corporation
- Systems: Bragurom Du, Tellus (soon)
- Gameplay: PvE, RP, Mentoring, Roleplay, slightly PvP
- Modes: Private Group « Nicou », however the Open World is strongly encouraged
- Organisation: Discussions via Discord and missions with objectives. Just say hello, tell us about you and Remlok Industries (minor faction), and then you will be able to apply in the channel #RemlokEmbassy.
An article is being edited regarding our Lore, Descriptions, Goals, and Specifications.
New Ancient Sites
Again and again the Ancient Sites! They finally unveiled all their secrets… well, a very large part.
Since the engineer Ram Tah was able to develop his technology to recognize the Guardians’ sites, the galactic community has been able to efficiently scan many systems and discover new ruins. If a system is scanned, the ancient sites will be revealed over 1000 light-seconds in the vicinity. These will appear in our navigation panel as a point of interest. A Charlie site (Gamma) was discovered at ~12,000 light years from the SOL bubble.
The plot remains extremely exciting as it continues to grow:
- Complete Guardians knowledge base, Tech, History, Language, Biology and Culture;
- Collect the Ancient Sites’ data. Made easy with our guide if you are in a group of 4 players or more in the same instance, but the difficulty is much greater if you are alone. You will have to visit more sites in order to collect the data. Good luck!
Powerplay and Lore
Powerplay is an ongoing battle for interstellar conquest and control. Players can choose a Power, help guide their strategy, and take on special objectives to advance their shared cause. Player choices and actions have a direct and visible impact on the balance of galactic power.
◘ 13 February – Since the Synuefe ruins were discovered in October, hundreds of explorers, archaeologists and relic hunters have scoured the site for information about the race that created it. When engineer Ram Tah started researching the ruins, hundreds more joined the search, motivated either by a thirst for knowledge or by the promise of reward. Now, Ram Tah claims to have made a significant breakthrough. In a statement, he said:
« Thanks to the hard work of many dedicated pilots – and in particular Commander Noodlz05 and his wingmates – I have isolated a signal in the Guardians’ monolith network that will allow scanners to identify sites within 1,000 light seconds. This should make finding further Guardian ruins considerably easier. I would like to thank all those involved for their help. This was not an easy task, but together we have learned a great deal about the Guardians’ fascinating culture. »
◘ 16 February – Recent reports indicate that a Federal convoy has been destroyed in the Sutekh system. It is not yet clear who is responsible for the attack, but security agencies based in Sutekh have tentatively identified the Adad Exchange, an Imperial faction. The Adad Exchange is also understood to have launched an operation to recover military intelligence from the wreckage. The Federation has responded with a counter-operation designed to prevent the intelligence from falling into Imperial hands. The United Sutekh Future has been authorised to coordinate the campaign.
◘ 17 February – Audit records from the MetaDrive Inc., acquired by the Sirius Corporation last year, have been leaked into public data silos by persons unknown. While the majority of the data is unremarkable, one record mentions ‘wake suppression’, prompting some commentators to speculate on a possible connection to MetaDrive’s work on hyperdrive systems. A spokesperson for the Sirius Corporation responded by saying:
« We do not typically comment on leaks of this nature, but we can certainly allay any fears that the Sirius Corporation is conducting experimental hyperdrive research. The document in question simply refers to research into sleep-management technology for long-haul travel. »
Community Goals
Community Goals allow the community to work together on an ongoing project within a system. Fight, trade, smuggle, explore and help the factions and super powers to achieve their goals. There is no good or bad CG, write your & Elite’s stories while earning credits!
Three Community Goals with Transport, Salvage and Bounty Hunting.
◘ Colonia Migration Appeal III
- Location: Jaques Station | Colonia
- Objective: Deliver Galactic Travel Guides
- Rewards: Creation of multiple minor factions in the Colonia bubble
- Progress: 0/1
- Until: February 2nd
- Description: Gather your Galactic Travel Guides via the LHS 3447 system, Bluford Orbital. For more details, check the Colonia’s immigration website.
◘ Upheaval in Sutekh – Empire
- Location: Archimedes Gateway | Sutekh
- Objective: Salvage and then deliver Data Cores
- Rewards: Credits
- Progress: 1/8
- Until: 23 February
- Description: Recent reports indicate that a Federal convoy has been destroyed in the Sutekh system. It is not yet clear who is responsible for the attack, but security agencies based in Sutekh have tentatively identified the Adad Exchange, an Imperial faction. The Adad Exchange is also understood to have launched an operation to recover military intelligence from the wreckage. The Federation has responded with a counter-operation designed to prevent the intelligence from falling into Imperial hands.
◘ Upheaval in Sutekh – Federation
- Location: Archimedes Gateway | Sutekh
- Objective: Deliver Bounty Vounchers
- Rewards: Credits
- Progress: 4/8
- Until: 23 February
- Description: Recent reports indicate that a Federal convoy has been destroyed in the Sutekh system. It is not yet clear who is responsible for the attack, but security agencies based in Sutekh have tentatively identified the Adad Exchange, an Imperial faction. The Adad Exchange is also understood to have launched an operation to recover military intelligence from the wreckage. The Federation has responded with a counter-operation designed to prevent the intelligence from falling into Imperial hands.
Pics of the week
Kevin Massey provide us with two excellent creations that you will easily recognize! In the center? An eclipse with asteroids, by SilkSK.
Some pictures from our Remlok Discord, join us! Aweryth, Barome, Pulgan and Yue.
Two new images that I had set aside last week: Miguel Iglesias may be a designer at Ubi, but he also loves Elite: Dangerous!
Videos of the week
SpaceCatfish‘s reaction to his first FSD jump. Spaaaaaaaace!
« We are landing on the sun! » – « I… don’t feel safe landing here ». Check out the latest video from Mars and Giraffe!
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