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Our Team

Remlok Industries includes the following volunteers:

  • Owner, Manager website & community, Editor, Content: Lénaïc « Nicou » Riédinger
  • OVH Administrator & Developer website: Loïc « Nykrae » Farny
  • French editor: No FR editor at this time (Previously: Lestin, RonaldoMacDonaldo, thank you!)
  • English editor: No EN editor at this time (Previously: Demon Eyes Cain, thanks!)
  • Translator FR>EN: Larmakosa, from November 9 2018 to December 20 2018
  • Lead moderator: Geoffroy Bellassai (Tenchiliora)
  • Discord Moderators: Romain Blanquet (Pulgan), Corentin-Xavier Boulicot (Yue) et Samael Dewildeman (Gamycyn). (Previously: Quentin Houbar (Ne0tix), Pierre Sudres (Neileis), Jehan Pirotte (Kaluunshan))

The partners are players, communities, or groups working actively with Remlok Industries and Nicou to produce even more quality content for the global community of Elite: Dangerous.Motivated and ready to support the great community of Elite: Dangerous ? Let us know about your projects on the short or long term, let’s become Partners !

Our Partners:

  • Elite-dangerous.frMain forums for the French speaking community of Elite: Dangerous, come in, and chat with the other commanders !
  • ED-Board.netED-Board is a newspaper and online toolbox for Elite: Dangerous. The site offers among other things a personal logbook, stats & success, 3D map, fleet management… as well as information about the Engineers, ships builds, trading and many other things. In addition, a galactic catalog makes it possible to discover the real stellar objects present in E:D.
  • Deep Space Network – The DSN is an organized group of explorers who are experts in their field. They regularly propose expeditions for explorers!
  • Galnet.frThe website proposes a visual approach of Elite: Dangerous with galleries from the members, videos etc. It also includes quicksheets for the ships, powerplay, but also a complete archiving of all the newsletters and versions of the game since spring 2014