Welcome to the new version of Remlok-Industries.fr, your news & guides website dedicated to Elite: Dangerous, a space simulation game developed by Frontier!
All of this, you might already know of it. Thank you for visiting our website and sharing our articles we created with our love for you ❤️
After listening to your suggestions and feedback for a while through our Twitter RemlokEN & Nicou, Discord, Twitch and other networks; We worked very hard with Nykrae to propose this new version confirming our support to the development of the game, as well as our desire to offer an enhanced experience to our readers.
Some of the improvements we are offering with this new release:
- With nearly one in two visitors browsing on mobile, we needed a complete overhaul of the mobile interface. It is now done with a much more responsive website, suitable for various screen sizes and browsing platforms.
- For your comfort, the website is now also three times faster to load, offers a day/night mode to rest your eyes a bit, as well as Quick Links on the left via the ≡ in the menu and a Toolbox on the right allowing you to easily find all our articles and useful websites.
- The Search function is enhanced, as are the presentations and readings of the articles which makes the experience more enjoyable.
- The menus have been redesigned to improve the browsing of important articles and guides. A new category New Players has been created as well as more Guides supporting the progressions of both beginners and veterans of the game.
- You will notice refleshed images and assets in our articles, communications and on the right side of the website. Yep, I finally improved on Photoshop! :p
- In particular the widgets on the right side: Discord Community Remlok or the donation page – Paypal. The French speaking website has more of these assets.
You are more than 1,000 unique visitors browsing Remlok-Industries.fr daily, and we are now over 1 million pageviews since January!
Thank you to the ~55% English speaking visitors (hi London, Chicago, New York, Sydney among others!) and to the ~30% French speaking ones (coucou Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse et autres !) and for your support.
- DAY!
Have you noticed this? The menu follows you when you scroll down!
The website is free since we released it in 2016, and we aim to remain that way to propose a unique experience that we miss these days: freedom.
No Premium, no ads, no stolen data and no pop-ups.
Websites dev (Nykrae) and communications (Nicou) are parts of our jobs but we don’t earn anything with the website. We are delighted to put our skills at your service, to support your progression in Elite: Dangerous. This great project also allows us to challenge ourselves!
Of course, this isn’t free for us and in addition to providing all this work: the project generates costs.
Site name, OVH hosting, premium account for SoundCloud GalnetAudioFR, our work tools and other costs have been at our own expense since we launched.
Many of your participate in these costs, including through my Twitch Partner Channel, thanks for your support! ?
To support Remlok Industries, it’s easy:
- I support you:
- Follow Nicou or RemlokEN on Twitter,
- Join the Discord Community Remlok, Elite: Dangerous,
- Follow Nicou on Twitch (FR),
- Share our articles to your friends and players groups,
- Dance every full moon evenings in the middle of twelve statues wrapped in ham. Don’t ask.
- I support financially:
A donation doesn’t lead to any obligation on our part, but we would be very grateful for your support with or without the financial aspect.
? Note that if you give us your Discord name, you could get access to a special channel on Discord« ✨The Cavern« where I sometimes share a few details before it is released on our website, as well as behind the scenes of our ongoing work at Remlok Industries.
This is only the first step-update for our website. More projects are already underway but they will come later, when they are ready.
For now, the website is 100% available in French and 99% available in English.
As we had to recreate the website in English, the Google Search might not be optimal for us and a few articles are still under work (the images are sometimes not all there on our ~160 articles).
That’s why your support and sharing of our articles are really helpful!
Your suggestions and feedback are more than welcome on our social networks.
Known Issues:
- DisquS doesn’t display the number of comments
- The « old » English website and the new English website are still both online. This will be solved later as we are still in the process of updating the new English website.
- Thus, many articles aren’t displaying well the images and galleries. The articles in Guides are all up to date though.
- If your resolution is lower than 360px, the Quick Links and Toolbox could possibly be wrongly displayed (Nokia 3310 anyone?)
Again, THANK YOU for sticking with us for almost 4 years now!
Keep faith in the next new era for the game. The worst is behind us. Or the worst is currently in the Beta, I’m not sure… but the best is coming!
Cheers! ❤️